Using Quora for Brand Marketing and Building Reputation

When Google is trying to bring intent based results as core factor for search ranking, Quora is the best platform to relate & use story telling approach to advocate your brand. Quora can enable you as platform to deal with reputation crisis.

Why are the objective of have brand presence on Quora?

Brand can have any of the following focus area while thinking of Quora as platform for engagement & connecting with audience:

  1. Find new ideas to talk about
  2. open line of communication
  3. Building Presence
  4. Monitor & Engage for brand conversations
  5. Do Market Research
  6. Become an influencer and an authority in your industry.
  7. Identify new influencers to follow
  8. Reach new audiences
  9. Identify long-tail keywords for SEO
  10. Sync with Marketing Plan

What strategy should be followed by a brand on Quora?

  • Optimize Profile – to tell people who you are, what you do, and give them other opportunities for them to connect with you – such as through your blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.
    – especially if you have a wide variety of expertise, you can create topic-specific bios.
    – include in-line hyperlinks in your description but use these strategically and sparingly.
    – Keyword Optimize Your Headline but within 50 characters
  • Select Relevant Questions– If a large portion of people are viewing the question, and your answer is providing value, you have the opportunity for those viewers to upvote your answer and move it towards the top of the feed
  • Look for Evergreen Questions With More than 1,000 Views & ones that have been posted for at least a week.
  • Listen Notifications – to continuously increase brand awareness on Quora, you’ll want to receive notifications of new relevant questions to your areas of expertise.
  • Give Relevant Answers – use large snippets from a blog post to answer the question and include a link back to the full piece on your site.
  • Connect with other Quora Users
  • Usage analytics, Quora provides you with how many times your answer was viewed.

Must Read – Case Study on How Famous Brand Used Quora?

Steps on activating brand presence on Quora, a complete & detailed checklist for brand to build presence :

  • Do the prep work
    ❏ Analyze your target audience
    ❏ Choose the customer segments that bring you the most profits
    ❏ Imagine what’s the customer journey is like for them
    ❏ Determine which questions on Quora represent the last two stages of customer awareness
  • Create and optimize your profile
    ❏ Choose a professional head shot
    ❏ Write a nice profile summary (you can use your elevator pitch)
    ❏ You can use your company logo or any other images in your profile description
    ❏ Don’t forget about a link to your landing page
    ❏ Add topics to your “Knows About” section
    ❏ Select a “Pinned Answer” you want your page visitors to see
  • Produce awesome content
    ❏ Answer the questions that hit your customers pain points
    ❏ Write answers optimized for Quora algorithms
    ❏ Frequently react to requests to answer
    ❏ Try to grow your audience organically
    ❏ Remain focused on a single topic at a time
    ❏ Edit Answer Wiki, when available

Its always good to start early & test the results for measuring success. Get connected with Begin2Win Digital for taking your journey forward.

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